世界の幸せをカタチにする Creating Peace and Happiness for the World

武蔵野大学 履修要覧
Course Guide 2023

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Diploma Policy

Acquire in-depth knowledge, and provide oneself with creative thinking and expressive ability, in order to confront the challenges of the world

Based on the spirit of Buddhism, Musashino University aims to cultivate excellent character in decency, sensitivity, and advanced knowledge in order to nurture human resources for contributing to the happiness for each individual, and happiness for the world.

  • 学びの基礎力を基盤とした専門能力Professional capabilities founded upon basic learning skills
  • 他者と自己を理解し、自発的に踏み出す力Ability to understand others and oneself, and to take a step forward on one’s own initiative
  • 課題を多角的に捉え、創造的に考える力Ability to identity challenges from various perspectives, and to think creatively
  • 多様な人々のなかで、自らの考えを表現・発信する力Ability to express and communicate one’s own thoughts amongst a group of diverse people